普通話科 Putonghua

普通話科 Putonghua

Development Goals 

Celebration of Lantern Festival
  1. To cultivate students’ language skills in listening, speaking, reading aloud, plus self-learning ability.
  2. To enhance students’ knowledge of Putonghua as well as their understanding of the Chinese culture.
  3. To arouse students’ interest in learning and cultivate proper learning attitudes and habits.

Learning Activities

  1. Equipping students with language skills – encourage students to participate in public competitions, such as speech festivals, “KOL”, storytelling, etc. with a view to boosting their confidence and presentation skills. 
  2. Enriching our language environment with the principle of listen more and speak more – through co-curricular activities such as game booths and lantern riddle games, students enhance their listening and speaking skills while deepening their understanding of the Chinese culture to consolidate their national identity.
4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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