- 制定校本生命培育政策及方向。
- 按不同級別學生的需要,以體驗活動建立學生良好價值觀。
- 訓練學生不同的技能,由服務校園推廣至服務社區。
- 建立義工團隊,培養學生助人為樂的精神。
- 在全方位活動節中,安排小一至小四參與不同體驗活動,從而學懂堅毅精神,成為愛己、愛人的人。
- 把價值觀滲透於不同科目,透過老師身教、言教,培養學生的正面態度。
- 借助社會基機的資源,擴闊孩子的眼界,讓學生懂得以不同的角度思考,有助提升學生的同理心。
- 在德育科教導學生成為一個健康、樂觀、積極的人。
- 在不同的功能組別人,安排義工服務,從而擴闊視野,了解社會上需要幫助的人。
- To formulate school-based policies and directions for life education.
- Based on the needs of students at all levels, cultivate positive values through different activities and simulations.
- To train students to develop different skills from serving at school to serving the community.
- To develop a volunteer team so as to nurture in students a willingness to help others in need.
Learning activities
- In life-wide learning activity period, P1 to P4 students will participate in different activities and simulations to develop perseverance, self-love, and love for others.
- Incorporate values education into different subjects. Teachers will act as a role model for students in respect of values and attitudes by walking the talk.
- Utilize resources from different organizations to expand students’ vision and enable them to think in different perspectives, so that they can build their empathy.
- Moral Education teaches students to be a healthy, optimistic and active person.
- Arrange students to engage in volunteer services to broaden their horizons and understand those in need in our society.
Activity Photos
P2 students in “Guardians of the Egg” activity
P4 students having a planting experience