- 持續發展圖書館館藏,依據學生的語文能力及興趣,提供多元化的圖書和雜誌。
- 提供優良的圖書館環境,吸引同學到館閱讀、借閱和自習。
- 推動校園閱讀及分享的風氣,提昇學生的閱讀興趣,培養正確的生活態度和價值觀。
- 教授閱讀策略以培養學生的自學能力及學習技巧,鼓勵學生從閱讀中學習。
- 積極發展網上閱讀頻道(DearLand)及校本電子圖書平台。
- 全年中英文閱讀獎勵計劃——悅讀之旅(設立至尊閱讀大獎、金獎、銀獎及銅獎)。
- 每月班際借閱比賽及每月閱讀之星。
- 可譽閱讀周(每年四月)
- 星級作家講座或閱讀講座
- 初小及高小閱讀會
- 早晨自由閱讀時間(8:10-8:25 於圖書館進行)
- 全年每周一次閱讀分享 (由不同學科老師推介圖書)
- 故事爸媽活動 (小一及小二級)
- 一生一卡計劃
- 參觀公共圖書館
- 十本好讀投票活動
- 校外與閱讀相關的比賽或活動
- 開放時間:
- 星期一至五(早讀8:10-8:25、小息10:15-10:35、午息12:40-1:05)
- 每次可借閱4本(圖書管理員可借閱6本)。
- 每本圖書可借閱2星期,每本圖書可續借1次。
- 遲還圖書須繳交罰款,每本書遲還1天的罰款為$0.5。
- 遺失書本須賠償書本的原價。
- 「DearLand 」使用手冊
- 校本電子閱讀平台使用手冊(金閱閣、知書閱聽圖書館、Hyread)
- 金閱閣
- 知書閱聽圖書館
- Hyread
- 搜尋圖書(Library Master)
- 香港閱讀城
- To provide a large variety of books and magazines amid continuous collection development based on students’ language proficiency and personal interest.
- To build a quality library for students to read or borrow books for self-learning.
- To promote a culture of reading and sharing in the school to arouse students’ interest in reading and cultivate correct attitudes and values of life.
- To teach different reading strategies in order to nurture students’ self-learning ability and skills through reading.
- To develop the online reading channel, DearLand, and school e-book platforms.
Reading award schemes
- Whole-year Chinese and English reading scheme – Reading Journey (presenting Platinum Reading Award, Gold Award, Silver Award and Bronze Award)
- Monthly inter-class books borrowing competition and monthly Reading Stars
Reading Activities
- Ho Yu Book Week (in April every year)
- Talks featuring famous authors or reading talks
- Reading club for junior and senior primary students
- Morning reading period (at 8:10-8:25 in school library)
- Weekly book sharing (by subject teachers)
- Parents Storytelling (P1 and P2)
- “Library Cards for All School Children” Scheme
- Visiting public libraries
- Top Ten Book Picks
- External reading competitions and activities
Library Services
- Opening hours:
- Monday to Friday (Morning reading: 8:10-8:25; Recess: 10:15-10:35; Lunch break: 12:40-13:05)
- A maximum of 4 books can be borrowed each time. (Librarians can borrow up to 6 books.)
- Books for lending may be borrowed for a period of 14 days. Each loan item can be renewed once.
- The overdue fine is $0.5 per day for each loan item.
- If any loan item is lost, the borrower shall be liable to pay the original price of the book.
Useful Resources
- DearLand User Guide
- School e-book platforms user guides (JoyReadClub, Nowbook Digital Library, Hyread)
- JoyReadClub
- Nowbook Digital Library
- Hyread
- Library Master
- Hong Kong Reading City