
- To cultivate student’s interest in learning English
- To enhance student’s proficiency in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing
- To help students foster a consistent reading habit and to appreciate the value of reading
- To cater for learner’s diversity and to promote self- regulated learning
- To develop student’s knowledge and understanding of the world through learning English
- DearLand, Read to Succeed and the DEAR programme (P1-2): Students learn about the world as well as promoting their values and attitudes through a variety of reading texts and Fun Dictation.
- Primary Literacy Programme for Reading (PLPR) (P1-3) – With a strong focus on reading , this programme enables students to acquire the vocabulary and learn grammar in context through materials tailor-made for each of the eighteen units, building up students’ confidence in mastering different text types throughout the course.
- ‘Sounds Fun’ Phonics Programme (P1-3) – Although English has 26 letters, there are 44 sounds with lots of different ways to spell them. At Ho Yu, we have designed and developed our own synthetic phonics programme, Sounds Fun, which has a strong focus on blending and segmenting sounds, enabling young learners to read.
- Self-Regulated Learning (P5-P6) – Ho Yu promotes self-regulated learning in English lessons through various reading texts where students share their findings through speaking and develop their ideas for writing.
- E-learning through the use of Highlights Library and Padlet – To cultivate the habit of reading, students at Ho Yu are encouraged to read books on an online platform, ‘Highlights Library’. With more than 2500 digital stories and videos, this platform helps students to strengthen their language learning skills and discover a love of reading. They will also be asked to do book sharings on Padlet where students can interact with each other and to share their own thoughts.