1. 學生資助處
- 學校書簿津貼計劃
- 為就讀於官立學校、資助學校、按位津貼學校及直接資助計劃下的本地學校而有經濟需要的小一至小六學生提供津貼,以支付必須的書簿費用及雜項就學開支。
- 學生車船津貼計劃
- 為就讀於各小學居住地點與學校距離超逾十分鐘步行時間及需要乘搭公共交通工具上學而有經濟需要的學生提供車船津貼。
- 上網費津貼計劃
- 為有子女接受全日制小學程度教育而有經濟需要的家庭提供津貼,以支付子女家居上網學習的費用(例如由固定或流動電訊服務營辦商提供的寬頻上網服務或流動數據卡的費用)。津貼發放以家庭為單位。合資格的家庭不論子女人數多寡,將獲發以家庭為單位的定額現金津貼。
2. 在校免費午膳
- 領取學生資助計劃「全額津貼」;
- 就讀官立、資助(包括特殊學校)或直接資助計劃(直資)的全日制小學;
- 由其就讀的學校安排午膳。
Financial Assistance Schemes for Primary Students
Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency
- School Textbook Assistance Scheme
- It provides assistance to needy Primary 1 to Primary 6 students in government, aided, per caput grant schools and local schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme for covering the costs of essential textbooks and miscellaneous school-related expenses.
- Student Travel Subsidy Scheme
- It provides travel subsidy to needy Primary students residing more than 10 minutes’ walking distance away from their schools; and who need to travel to school by public transport.
- Subsidy Scheme for Internet Access Charges
- It provides subsidy to needy families whose children are full-time students receiving education at primary level to meet the internet access charges for e-learning at home for their children (for example, the charges on broadband Internet service or SIM cards provided by operators of fixed or mobile telecommunications services). The subsidy is granted on a household basis. Eligible families will receive a family-based flat-rate cash grant, regardless of the number of children in the family.
Application at School
When a school term commences, the school will inform all parents of the arrangements for completing the application form for the above financial assistance schemes and the documents required through school circular.
2. Free Lunch at School
It aims at providing free lunch at schools for primary students from low-income families so as to enable eligible students to have more balanced and substantial meals at schools.
Target Students
Participating schools will be provided with the funding with respect to the number of Primary 1 to Primary 6 students meeting all the following criteria:
- receiving full grant under the Student Financial Assistance Schemes;
- studying in whole-day government, aided (including special schools) or primary schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS); and
- having lunch arranged by the schools they attend.
Funding Arrangements
Participating schools will be provided with the relevant funding direct by the Education Bureau for making lunch charges on behalf of their Primary 1 to Primary 6 students meeting all the above criteria.
Application at School
When a school term commences, the school will inform all parents of the arrangements for completing the application form for free lunch at school and the documents required through school circular.