本科期望「透過身體活動進行教育」(Education through the Physical),幫助學生提升不同身體活動所需的技能,瞭解有關活動及安全的知識,以發展活躍及健康的生活模式。

- 培養創意及想像力
- 發展音樂技能與過程
- 培養評賞音樂的能力
- 認識音樂的情境
1. 校本體育課程
本科積極推行校本課程,發展學生的體育技能,當中包括舞蹈訓練、射箭及高爾夫球。而在小一及小二級更會安排「DEAR 」學習計劃,建立學生做運動的習慣。

2. 跨學科活動
- 英文科:英語攀石活動
- 視藝科:可譽體能骰
- 常識科:短跑力學
- 城市當代舞蹈團(CCDC)現代舞課程
- 我智fit 計劃
- 多元智能課(星期五校內進行)
- 周末才藝班(星期六校內進行)

3. 校隊訓練

Adopting “Education through the Physical”, we aim to enhance students’ sports skills, and provide them with relevant knowledge of movement and safety, for the development of an active, healthy lifestyle.
Our school’s PE centres around physical activities, focuses on learning motor and sports skills, and is keen to develop physical fitness. Teachers also bring in topics relevant to “health and fitness”, “sports-related values and attitudes”, “knowledge and practice of safety”, “knowledge of movement” and “aesthetic sensitivity”. We put great emphasis on cultivation of positive values and attitudes to boost students’ confidence and develop generic skills, including collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, aesthetic sensitivity, etc., to achieve life-long and life-wide learning.

Development Highlights
- Optimize school-based PE curriculum and a wide range of physical activities to arouse students’ interest and sense of achievement;
- Unleash students’ potential for non-academic achievements to cultivate the “Ho Yu” spirit; and
- Implement values education to cultivate students’ positive values for whole-person development.
Learning Activities
1. School PE Curriculum
We actively implement the school curriculum to develop students’ sports skills, including dancing, archery and golf. For P1 and P2, DEAR learning programme is launched to cultivate the exercising habit among students.

2.Cross-curricular Activities
We organize diversified activities and actively promote cross-curricular learning to integrate PE and other learning areas.
Cross-curricular Activities:
- English Language: Rock climbing in English
- Visual Arts: Ho Yu Exercise Dice
- General Studies: Sprinting mechanics
Diversified Activities:
- City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) Contemporary Dance Course
- iSmart Fitness Scheme
- Multiple Intelligence Programme (every Friday at school)
- Weekend Talent Class (every Saturday at school)

3. School Teams Training
We teach different sports, such as basketball, football, athletics, badminton, volleyball and more. We also offer sports training to help students develop a regular exercising habit and healthy lifestyle.