School Video
School Calendar
January 2025
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What’s New
可譽孩子心繫東涌 在「我與東涌未來的奇妙世界填色繪畫比賽」中 榮獲高小組亞軍及優異獎 Ho Yu children for their heartfelt connection to Tung Chung! In the “My Wonderful World with the Future of “Tung Chung” Coloring and Drawing Competition,” they won the first runner-up and a merit award.
P6D 陶如意以紙筆傳情——感歎成長蛻變,光陰不再,惟孝親之情長存,終獲獎項鼓勵 P6D To Yu Yi Expressed Feelings with Paper and Pen —Admiring the transformation of growth, time is no longer, but the love for parents remains eternal, ultimately receiving awards as encouragement.
報捷:可譽孩子英語能力獲肯定 於「2024香港青少年英文朗誦比賽」中 各級別項目囊括金銀銅獎 Good News: Ho Yu children’s English abilities have been recognized at the ” Hong Kong Children & Youth Speech Competition 2024,” where they won gold, silver, and bronze medals in various levels.
可譽運動小健兒於大嶼山區小學校際田徑比賽中碩果纍纍 無比毅力燃亮豐盛的人生成長路 The young athletes from Ho Yu achieved remarkable success at the Lantau Island District Primary School Inter-school Athletics Competition. Their incredible perseverance has illuminated a rich path of personal growth.
可譽孩子憑着一顆熱愛中華傳統文化之心 在「全港小學旗袍填色比賽」中展光芒 得到 優異獎 及 積極參與學校獎 Ho Yu children, driven by their passion for traditional Chinese culture, shone brightly in the “Hong Kong Primary School Qipao Coloring Competition,” receiving the Excellence Award and the Active Participation School Award.
School Activities
小三級「花花世界」:孩子以剪紙感受中國唐詩《靜夜思》之意境美 Primary 3 “Colorful World”: Children Experience the Aesthetic Beauty of the Tang Poem “Quiet Night Thoughts” Through Paper Cutting
國旗禮儀講座讓小四及小五級孩子提升國民身份認同感The National Flag Etiquette Seminar Enhances National Identity Among Primary 4 to 5 children
小二級中華美德的培養——經典閱讀《弟子規‧信》Cultivating Chinese Virtues in Primary 2— Classic Reading of ‘Disciples’ Regulations: Trust
理財桌遊助小二級孩子建立節儉美德Financial Literacy Board Game Helps Primary 2 Children Develop the Virtue of Thrift
小一級中華美德的培養——經典閱讀《弟子規‧總敍》Cultivating Chinese Virtues in Primary 1— Classic Reading of ‘Disciples’ Regulations: General Summary’
小二級孩子輕鬆跨越「乘法過三關」Primary 2 Children Easily Conquer the ‘Multiplication Challenge’
讓小三至小六級孩子成為精明的時間管理達人 Empowering Primary 3 to 6 Children to Become Savvy Time Management Experts
小二級孩子「樂」於閱讀 Primary 2 Children ‘Delight’ in Reading
小五級「造山行動」:孩子從賞析唐詩《望廬山瀑布》 感受祖國山水之美 Primary 5 ‘Mountain-Making Action’: Children Appreciate the Beauty of the Motherland’s Landscapes through Tang Poetry ‘Viewing the Lushan Waterfall’
小一級孩子把「好孩子任務」動起來 Primary 1 children put the ‘Good Child Mission’ into action.
小二級孩子經歷「護蛋行動」體會生命及親情之可貴 Primary 2 children experience the ‘Egg Protection Mission’ to appreciate the value of life and family ties.
24-25 聖誕聯歡會暨社際音樂比賽——承載幸福感、獲得感、安全感 Christmas Party & Inter-house Music Competition— Sense of Happiness, Achievement, and Safety
中華文化的學習足印:《憲法》和《基本法》學生校園大使參與「茶館劇場粵劇體驗」Footprints of Learning Chinese Culture: “Constitution” and “Basic Law” Student Ambassadors Participate in Cantonese Opera Experience in Tea House
寓教於樂的Dear計劃超級獎勵——和梁校長一起玩遊戲 Educational and Fun: The DEAR Program Super Reward — Playing games with Principal Leung
勇闖高峯 並肩同行 小童軍活動——親子攀石班 Braving the Heights Together Grasshopper Scouts Activity – Parent-Child Rock Climbing Class
溫情洋溢的小童軍活動——親子聖誕DIY音樂盒製作班 A Heartwarming Grasshopper Scouts Activity—Parent-Child DIY Music Box Workshop
「2024可譽開放日(小學)」已完滿結束 The “2024 Ho Yu Open Day (Primary School)” has successfully concluded.
可譽午間活動大放送——孩子自豪地説:「我會説普通話!」 The child proudly said, “I can speak Putonghua!” — Exciting Lunchtime Activities @ Ho Yu
充滿歡聲笑語的Dear計劃超級獎勵——和梁校長一起……Dear Program Super Reward Filled with Laughter and Joy—Spending Time with Principal Leung
可譽孩子戴上臉譜齊聲説:「你我大不同!」 Ho Yu children put on face masks and said, “You and I are very different!”
「樂韻播萬千」音樂會喚起可譽孩子守護文化及生態安全的使命 ‘Music for the Millions’ Concert Inspires Ho Yu Children to protect cultural and ecological safety
慶祝黃大仙師寶誕活動 Celebration of Wong Tai Sin’s Birthday
可譽孩子跳出健康人生來Promoting a Healthy Life for Ho Yu Children
可譽「閱讀小達人」初體驗 之 香港公共圖書館講座 The First Experience of the Ho Yu “Little Reading Expert” from the Hong Kong Public Library Seminar
可譽午間活動大放送:數學室 趣無窮 Endless Fun in Maths Room — Exciting Lunchtime Activities @ Ho Yu
可譽師生們承着前人的奮鬥努力 時刻感恩 擁抱幸福 歡度中秋 Ho Yu’s Teachers and Students Carrying Forward the Efforts of Our Predecessors, Grateful and Embracing Happiness This Mid-Autumn Festival
2024-2025 開學禮 School Opening Ceremony
「小一心意敬幼師」活動 “Thank you, my kindergarten’s teachers!” activity
可譽家校同心 攜手讓孩子從關懷與鼓勵中 喜迎在校進膳的第一天 Ho Yu School Community United in Heart: Hand in Hand, Welcoming Children on Their First Day of School Meals with Care and Encouragement