
- 擴展學生以視覺為主的感官、美感和藝術經驗。
- 使學生能進行表達個人情感和思想的視覺藝術表現。
- 透過評賞和創作,發展學生視覺認知、共通能力和後設認知。
- 藉著不同文化藝術的接觸,拓展學生多元的視野。
- 陶冶學生情意、修養、品德,以至對國家民族及世界的投入感。

2. 中華文化活動


3. 視藝隊活動

4. 跨學科活動



5. 課堂探索



6. 專題研習

Artcyclopedia: http://www.artcyclopedia.com/
Subject-based Objectives

- To enrich students’ visual sense, aesthetic and artistic experiences.
- To enable students to engage in visual arts expressions of personal feelings and thoughts.
- To develop students’ visual cognition, generic skills and metacognition through appreciation and creation.
- To expand students’ horizons by means of different cultures and art forms.
- To nurture students with affective and moral education, self-cultivation, and a sense of devotion to the nation and the world.
The course is designed with the aim of refining students’ temperament and enabling them to appreciate things from an aesthetic perspective. To equip students with artistic and aesthetic experiences, knowledge, values and attitudes, and let students express their own thoughts and feelings through a variety of creation and art appreciation activities.
Learning Activities

2. Chinese cultural Activities
After learning about traditional Chinese festivals and totems, students designed their own Chinese lanterns.

“How Memory Sticks”
Exploring the relationship between “memories”, our modern life and the traditional Chinese artwork to reveal the fascinating Chinese culture.

3. Activities of VA Team

4. Cross-curricular Activities
Visual Arts & Chinese Language: Extended reading of Journey to the West – Beijing opera mask making
Taking Journey to the West, the designated reading material of the Chinese subject as the background, students chose their favourite characters and analyzed their personalities, then painted their own masks with symbolic images and colours.

Visual Arts & Mathematics: DIY mosaic coasters
Designing a monster on a mosaic coaster to discover the Math concept of area. Students may bring home these useful and meaningful coasters.

Visual Arts & Physical Education: DIY exercise dice
Students designed and painted on their exercise dice before rolling them to make exercising even more exhilarating.

5. Exploring in Class
P1 Ink Wash Painting
Students experienced ink wash painting using traditional Chinese ink brushes and ink to create the effect of dark, light, dry and wet on Xuan paper.

P3 “I am a Master Chef!”
Our fellow P3 “Master Chefs” were designing a balanced, energy-boosting diet.

P5 Rubbing the Campus
P5 students travelled around the campus discovering fascinating things and have them rubbed on paper.

6. Project Learning
VA is integrated in the project learning of all forms. Students gathered information of a particular topic and used pictures and colours to summarize their understanding of the topic concerned.

Online Resources
Hong Kong Museum of Art: https://hk.art.museum/tc/web/ma/home.html
Artcyclopedia: http://www.artcyclopedia.com/
Hong Kong Society For Education In Art: https://www.hksea.org.hk/