
- 為學生提供多元化的學習經歷,讓他們更了解自己、社會、國家和世界。
- 透過「從做中學」,幫助學生有效地學習和運用共通能力,以探究與科學、科技及社會相關的課題和事件。
- 培養學生正面的價值觀和積極的態度,讓學生有健康的個人與群性發展。
- 在高小推行自主學習,讓學生成為積極主動的學習者;在初小推行小班教學和合作學習,提高學生的學習動機及小組協合等能力。
- 在小五、小六級推行「主題式研習課程」,學生自選一個感興趣的主題進行一學年的專題學習,提升學生各方面的共通能力。
- 發展高層次思維能力,在課堂中運用各種思維圖式、寫筆記、預習及反思等令學生學會學習。
- 在校內整合跨學科活動,進行專題研習、跨課程閱讀及「STEM」教育活動,發展學生的共通能力。
- 把學習由課室擴展至日常生活,讓學生參加各類型全方位學習活動,如國民身份認同、認識社區、綠色生活或科學探索等。
- 甄選科學資優學生參加「科學小博士」拔尖課程;並積極推薦學生參與不同的科研比賽,盡展潛能。

Development Goals

- To provide students with diversified learning experiences allowing them to understand themselves, the society, the country, and even the world.
- Through “learning by doing”, facilitate effective learning and the use of generic skills, so as to investigate issues related to science, technology and society.
- Cultivate students’ positive values and attitudes to foster personal growth and social development.
Learning Activities
- Self-directed learning is implemented in senior primary school to nurture students to become proactive learners, whereas small class teaching and collaborative learning are adopted in junior primary school to enhance students’ learning motivation and teamwork.
- “Theme-based Study Programme” is implemented in P5 and P6. Students will choose an interested topic for a year-long project learning to train their generic skills in all aspects.
- Developing higher-order thinking and empower students by mind mapping, note taking, preparation for lessons, reflection and so on.
- Cross-curricular activities, project learning, reading across the curriculum and STEM education are conducted to develop students’ generic skills.
- Extended learning beyond classroom alongside various life-wide learning activities, such as developing national identity, getting to know the community, green life, scientific investigation, etc.
- Shortlisting gifted students to attend the “Little Doctor of Science” enhancement course and participate in different science competitions to unleash their talent.