
- 藉資訊科技教學及實踐相關的計劃,培養及加強學生的自學及運用資訊科技的能力,以迎合現今社會之需求及學習模式。
- 發展STEM教育,提升學生的探究和解難能力。
- 強化學生的資訊素養,包括透過電腦網絡正確獲取資訊,並發展溝通、處理資訊技巧及使用資訊科技的態度和價值觀。
- 一人一機:每個學生都能享有一部電腦/平板電腦上課。透過實際操作的練習,讓學生學習有關資訊科技的技能。
- 全面推行電子書:學生可使用智能裝置全天候登入電子課本,進行溫習及自學。各單元皆配備有趣的小遊戲和生活情境帶領學生進入有系統的學習部分。
- 小二級學生重點學習基本資訊科技能力,如電腦周邊設備、平板電腦的使用、英文輸入法、文書處理及初階編程等。
- 小三至小六級學生重點認識電腦程式語言的作用和程式流程結構,學會使用設計與編寫程式繪圖及製作有趣好玩的工具和遊戲。在編寫程式過程中,學會策劃與解難。
- 跨學科活動:與中文、數學及常識等科目合作,通過具趣味性及多學習領域相互聯繫的主題,教學活動將激勵學生的思考,讓學生打破科目領域的間隔,靈活運用學科知識以解決生活問題。
- 中文:中國傳統美食(利用Canvas製作美食宣傳海報)
- 常識:閉合電路(利用Microbit製作智能交通燈)
- 數學:圓形圖(利用Excel製作統計表格和圖表)
- 善用網上學習App和平台的評估數據報告,以促進學習。
- 參與「奇趣IT識多啲」計劃,讓學生接觸多元化的編程、AR/VR及AI課程。
- 邀請學生參加 STEM培訓或比賽,擴闊學生的視野及增加學生校外交流的學習機會。


- Through information technology (IT) teaching and relevant programmes, cultivate and enhance students’ self-learning capacity and the ability to use IT with a view to catering for the present needs and learning modes of our society.
- To develop STEM education with a view to polishing students’ investigating and problem-solving skills.
- To enhance students’ information literacy, which includes obtaining online information properly, developing communication and information processing skills, proper attitudes and values when using IT.
Learning Activities
- One device for each student: Each student is assigned one computer / tablet for lesson use, so that they may acquire various IT-related skills through hands-on practice.
- E-book platform: Students can access their electronic textbooks with a smart device for revision and self-learning anytime. Interesting games and daily examples are available in each unit for systematic learning.
- P2 students focus on acquisition of basic IT skills such as the use of computer peripherals, tablets, English input method, word processing and introductory programming.
- P3 to P6 students focus on the functions of computer programming languages and flow structure, plus making interesting games using various designing and programming applications. Students learn to plan and solve problems through programming.
- Cross-curricular activities: Collaborate with different subjects, including the Chinese Language, Mathematics and General Studies, to organize fascinating activities of multiple learning areas connecting the subjects. In this connection, we stimulate students’ thinking and enable them to apply the knowledge in daily life.
- Chinese Language: Traditional Chinese cuisine (Designing posters with Canvas)
- General Studies: Closed circuit (Making smart traffic lights with Microbit)
- Mathematics: Pie chart (Making statistical tables and charts with Excel)
- Make good use of evaluation reports and data available on online learning apps and platforms to facilitate learning.
- “Knowing More About IT Programme” consists of diversified coding, AR/VR and AI courses for students.
- Encourage students to engage in STEM training or competitions to broaden their horizons with more