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可譽孩子熱愛科學 於公開探究比賽中獲獎連連 足見「主動學習」種子正萌芽成長 蓄勢待發 Ho Yu child’s love for science is evidenced by their consecutive awards in open exploration competitions, which clearly demonstrates that the seeds of “active learning” are sprouting and growing. They are now poised and ready to take on new challenges.

1. 走過自然天地 2024第五屆全港小學生態速查「100」比賽 “Traversing the Natural World” – The 5th Annual Hong Kong Primary School Ecolog…


可譽閱讀周——飛「閱」夢幻島「奮勇向前傳千里」小飛俠明信片設計比賽獲獎名單(幼稚園)“Bravely Striving a Thousand Miles” – “Reading to Neverland”Peter Pan Postcard Design Competition @Ho Yu Reading Week Winners List (Kindergarten)

目的: 可譽挑選了故事《小飛俠》為本年度閱讀周的全校指定讀物,並設定「飛『閱』夢幻島」為主題,讓孩子以故事主角小飛俠為學習榜樣,抱持奮勇向前的信念,譜出悅耳的生命樂章。 是次「奮勇向前傳千里」小飛俠明信片設計比賽為精心策劃的閱讀周活動之一,希望透過創作明信片,…


4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
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