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可譽孩子「藝高人膽大」 憑曲覓知音 於亞洲菁英音樂比賽2024脫穎而出 勇奪冠軍 Ho Yu Children “Daring and Talented” Shine in the Quest for Musical Companions  Winning the Championship in the 2024 Asia’s Elite Music Competition

P2A陳梓洋參加了「亞洲菁英音樂比賽2024(管樂分齡組WA 02)」,憑着優秀的演奏色士風表現,展現出眾的音樂才華,加上穩定的臨場發揮,最終獲得評審的青睞,勇奪冠軍,令人鼓舞。 恭賀梓洋獲獎,相信這個獎項定能成為你音樂路上的一盞明燈,引領着你再闖高峰。 P2…


可譽孩子「藝高人膽大」 憑曲覓知音 於亞洲菁英音樂比賽2024脫穎而出 勇奪冠軍 Ho Yu Children “Daring and Talented” Shine in the Quest for Musical Companions  Winning the Championship in the 2024 Asia’s Elite Music Competition 了解更多

可譽孩子心繫東涌 在「我與東涌未來的奇妙世界填色繪畫比賽」中 榮獲高小組亞軍及優異獎 Ho Yu children for their heartfelt connection to Tung Chung! In the “My Wonderful World with the Future of “Tung Chung” Coloring and Drawing Competition,” they won the first runner-up and a merit award.

P6E俞梓軒及S1E吳婧兒同學參加了東涌新市鎮擴展東——義工隊「友建地」主辦「我與東涌未來的奇妙世界填色繪畫比賽」,在圖畫中按着東涌的現況,想像東涌的奇妙未來,充分表現出對東涌的熱愛。 恭賀梓軒及婧兒獲獎,展望將來,希望你們的心繫東涌之情懷能夠從社區的層面,逐…


可譽孩子心繫東涌 在「我與東涌未來的奇妙世界填色繪畫比賽」中 榮獲高小組亞軍及優異獎 Ho Yu children for their heartfelt connection to Tung Chung! In the “My Wonderful World with the Future of “Tung Chung” Coloring and Drawing Competition,” they won the first runner-up and a merit award. 了解更多

P6D 陶如意以紙筆傳情——感歎成長蛻變,光陰不再,惟孝親之情長存,終獲獎項鼓勵 P6D To Yu Yi Expressed Feelings with Paper and Pen —Admiring the transformation of growth, time is no longer, but the love for parents remains eternal, ultimately receiving awards as encouragement.

P6D 陶如意參加了「香港賽馬會社區資助計劃:美荷樓香港精神學習計劃」之「2023-2024『兩代情』徵文比賽」,在超過12,000作品數量中,脫穎而出,獲得優異獎,殊堪嘉許。 可譽恭賀如意獲獎,在學習及成長路上,都是一份肯定,一份收穫。加油啊! P6D To…


P6D 陶如意以紙筆傳情——感歎成長蛻變,光陰不再,惟孝親之情長存,終獲獎項鼓勵 P6D To Yu Yi Expressed Feelings with Paper and Pen —Admiring the transformation of growth, time is no longer, but the love for parents remains eternal, ultimately receiving awards as encouragement. 了解更多

報捷:可譽孩子英語能力獲肯定 於「2024香港青少年英文朗誦比賽」中 各級別項目囊括金銀銅獎 Good News: Ho Yu children’s English abilities have been recognized at the ” Hong Kong Children & Youth Speech Competition 2024,” where they won gold, silver, and bronze medals in various levels.

可譽重視孩子的語文學習,為進一步提升孩子的英語水平,鼓勵他們多讀多說,增強自信,本校特推薦孩子參加「2024香港青少年英文朗誦比賽」,孩子們表現出色,在各級別均奪取佳績,令人鼓舞。 恭喜孩子獲取殊榮,本校相信孩子學習語文需要既長久又良好的環境,才能夠日積月累,…


報捷:可譽孩子英語能力獲肯定 於「2024香港青少年英文朗誦比賽」中 各級別項目囊括金銀銅獎 Good News: Ho Yu children’s English abilities have been recognized at the ” Hong Kong Children & Youth Speech Competition 2024,” where they won gold, silver, and bronze medals in various levels. 了解更多

可譽運動小健兒於大嶼山區小學校際田徑比賽中碩果纍纍 無比毅力燃亮豐盛的人生成長路 The young athletes from Ho Yu achieved remarkable success at the Lantau Island District Primary School Inter-school Athletics Competition. Their incredible perseverance has illuminated a rich path of personal growth.

10月31日,可譽孩子代表本校參加了2024-2025大嶼山區小學校際田徑比賽,在一場又一場的賽事中,孩子們一直咬緊牙關,努力跨過重重難關,無論賽果孰贏孰輸,都充分展現出運動家的風度。最終,可譽在本屆比賽中,爭取到亮麗的成績,如下: 恭喜上述得獎孩子,並以你們…


可譽運動小健兒於大嶼山區小學校際田徑比賽中碩果纍纍 無比毅力燃亮豐盛的人生成長路 The young athletes from Ho Yu achieved remarkable success at the Lantau Island District Primary School Inter-school Athletics Competition. Their incredible perseverance has illuminated a rich path of personal growth. 了解更多

可譽孩子憑着一顆熱愛中華傳統文化之心 在「全港小學旗袍填色比賽」中展光芒 得到 優異獎 及 積極參與學校獎 Ho Yu children, driven by their passion for traditional Chinese culture, shone brightly in the “Hong Kong Primary School Qipao Coloring Competition,” receiving the Excellence Award and the Active Participation School Award.

可譽孩子參與了由香港中華禮儀振興會主辦的「全港小學旗袍填色比賽」,在過程中,孩子憑着對祖國的熱愛,充分了解中華傳統服飾的特色,並加以發揮,成為了嶄新的作品。在收到的共7200份參賽作品中,三位孩子的創作成果獲得肯定,得到優異獎及積極參與學校獎,令人鼓舞。 恭賀…


可譽孩子憑着一顆熱愛中華傳統文化之心 在「全港小學旗袍填色比賽」中展光芒 得到 優異獎 及 積極參與學校獎 Ho Yu children, driven by their passion for traditional Chinese culture, shone brightly in the “Hong Kong Primary School Qipao Coloring Competition,” receiving the Excellence Award and the Active Participation School Award. 了解更多

4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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