生涯規劃組 Life Planning

生涯規劃組 Life Planning


  1. 按不同學階的需要,提供一條龍的生涯規劃,使學生從小認識自己、升學及就業環境,從而探索未來方向,訂立學業及工作目標,向夢想啟航。
  2. 協助學生透過生涯探索,培養正面價值觀及良好的學習和生活態度(例如:守時、責任感和誠實等),建立反思能力、探索、分析能力、解決問題能力等。
  3. 擴闊學生對工作世界的認識,並提供與工作相關的學習經歷,以擴闊他們的視野,協助他們及早裝備自己。
  4. 強化價值觀教育,培養學生正向的學習及理財價值觀和態度。







  • 透過理財教育活動,助學生建立正向的儲蓄、消費習慣及理財價值觀,及早為未來準備,及建立「負責任」的公民意識。
  • 小一及小二級理財教育

Our Objectives

  1. Provide students at different educational stages with through-train life planning, allowing students to know about themselves, their future studies and career at an early stage, so that they can set targets for their study and career paths.
  2. Cultivate students’ positive values and attitudes towards learning and life (such as punctuality, responsibility and honesty, etc.) to develop reflexivity, exploring, analyzing, problem-solving abilities, etc.
  3. Enrich students’ exposure towards the world of work and provide them with work-related learning experiences to broaden their horizons and equip themselves with relevant skills.
  4. Emphasize value education to cultivate positive values and attitudes towards learning and wealth management.

Learning Activities

Information sessions for further studies

Activities are held for P5 and P6 students to facilitate a through-train study and enable students to understand the curriculum and features of secondary education. It aims to prepare students for promotion to the secondary stage and senior secondary subject choice, getting to know both local and non-local study paths with positive learning attitude.

For through-train study: Sharing sessions on secondary school entrance – “Meeting with Principal Mak” (P5 and P6).

Getting to Know the World of Work

Through life planning course, students broaden their understanding towards the world of work and strengthen their competitiveness. They explore the direction of their further studies and future career, and understand that all jobs should enjoy equal status as well as the relevance of occupations and subjects.

Activity for P3 – “Utopia in Books”
Financial Education
  • This activity helps students develop positive saving and consuming habits, as well as wealth management values. It also prepares them for their future and the development of a “responsible” civic awareness.
  • Financial education for P1 and P2
4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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