幼小銜接 Interface between Primary and Kindergarden

幼小銜接 Interface between Primary and Kindergarden




  • 培養小一學生的適應能力;
  • 增加小一學生對學學習信心和興趣,保持積極主動學習態度;
  • 營造關愛校園文化、建立師生關係及培養學生對學校的歸屬感;
  • 與家長建立夥伴關係和有效的溝通渠道,達到共識,方便學校開展各項工作;
  • 邀請幼稚園生及家長來小學參與「幼小銜接」活動;
  • 與社區機構保持聯繫,在有需要時能為小一學生提供支援服務。
小一DEAR學習簡介及與班主任會面 九月初讓家長了解DEAR的學習計劃及理念,並指導使用有關學習平台;也讓家長與班主任會面,以了解學生的學習適應情況。


Kindergarten and primary school are two distinct stages of learning and there are varying degrees of differences in their learning modes and environments. To help students bridge these two stages and gradually adapt to primary school life, our school adopts a variety of measures for students to kick off their learning journey in this caring campus.

Fundamental approaches:

  • To cultivate Primary One students’ adaptability;
  • to arouse P1 students’ learning interest and confidence and maintain a proactive learning attitude;
  • to build a caring campus, develop teacher-student relationship and strengthen students’ sense of belonging;
  • to establish partnership with parents and build effective communication channels to facilitate the school work;
  • to invite kindergarten students and parents to come and join the relevant activities; and
  • to keep in touch with community organizations to provide support to P1 students when necessary.
Relevant Activities
Orientation Day & Parents’ TalkJulyFor parents to get to know the school, the curriculum, students’ growing needs and create a parent account for effective home-school communication. 
P1 Simulation ClassJulyFor kindergarten students to experience primary school life and get to know the school at early stage.
P1 Preparation ClassAugustP1 freshmen get to know their class teachers, subject teachers and classmates in advance and learn about the general school activities and subject activities to strengthen their sense of belonging.
P1 parents’ meeting with class teachersAugustParents will have a better understanding of the class arrangements, learning materials for each subject and the learning platform. P1 class teachers will also meet with parents to explain the things to note for the commencement of the school term, learning skills and so on.
Introduction of P1 DEAR Learning Programme and meeting with class teachersEarly SeptemberParents are introduced to the DEAR Learning Programme with its concepts and user guide provided. Parents will also meet and discuss with the class teachers about their children’s studies.
P1 Full Moon CelebrationOctoberTo celebrate our P1 students’ first month of joyful school life at Ho Yu with the aim of strengthening their sense of belonging. Parents and teachers witness together this important milestone.
Lunch with parentsEarly SeptemberFor students to adapt to full-day schooling, parents can accompany their children to lunch and meet with the class teachers for the first two weeks of school.
Big Brothers and Sisters SchemeWhole yearSenior primary students will take care of new P1 students during recess and lunch time to help the junior ones integrate into the new school life.
Special arrangements for assessmentWhole yearNo examination in P1. Instead, we use formative assessment to reduce the content and scope of the paper-and-pencil assessment. The assessment questions will be read by the subject teachers.

Online Resources

我家孩子上小學 – 家長錦囊 Leaflet for parents on helping children to adapt to their new primary school life (Chinese version only): https://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/tc/curriculum-development/major-level-of-edu/preprimary/parents_leaflet.pdf

「升學了」 故事冊 Storybook on helping children to adapt to their new primary school life (Chinese version only): http://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/tc/curriculum-development/major-level-of-edu/preprimary/storybook2013.pdf

幼小銜接小錦囊 Booklet “A Quick Guide to Interface between Kindergarten and Primary Education” (English version to be provided): https://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/tc/curriculum-development/major-level-of-edu/primary/materials/Interface_booklet-quick-guide.pdf

升小一的準備 (Chinese version only): https://www.hkedcity.net/parent/furtherstudies/schoolselection/page_5285970ee34399a469190000

4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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