業精於勤荒於嬉 可譽孩子積極完成家課 鞏固所學 Ho Yu Students Developing Good Study Habits and Responsibilities Homework Submission

業精於勤荒於嬉 可譽孩子積極完成家課 鞏固所學 Ho Yu Students Developing Good Study Habits and Responsibilities Homework Submission


Ho Yu students are active and responsible learners and they develop good study habits from preparing for the lesson, taking part in the lesson to finishing homework to enhance their learning effectiveness.

Announcement of results of the classes with the highest homework submission rate (November and December)
級別 Level班別 Class
小一及小二級 Primary1 and 2P1C、 P1D、P2B
小三及小四級 Primary 3 and 4P3A、 P3B、P4C
小五及小六級 Primary 5 and 6P5E、P6B

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4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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