可譽孩子肩負弘揚中華文化重任 參加「感恩杯」校際武藝操大賽 Ho Yu children shoulder the important responsibility of promoting Chinese culture by participating in the “Gratitude Cup” inter-school martial arts competition

可譽孩子肩負弘揚中華文化重任 參加「感恩杯」校際武藝操大賽 Ho Yu children shoulder the important responsibility of promoting Chinese culture by participating in the “Gratitude Cup” inter-school martial arts competition




To celebrate the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong’s reunification with the motherland, Ho Yu arranged children to participate in the “Gratitude Cup” inter-school martial arts competition on May 12th. They personally competed with athletes from different groups, exchanging the results of their participation in the ” Chinese Traditional Culture Learning – Martial Arts Campus Programme” over the past year and hoping to cultivate patriotism and deepen their understanding of traditional Chinese culture.

Although the children did not receive commendations in the competition that day, their every move and every detail showcased the beauty of Chinese civilization and the essence of Chinese martial arts. It was truly a precious experience.

Ho Yu appreciates the children’s willingness to shoulder the responsibility of promoting Chinese culture and takes pride in their strong feelings for their homeland. Hope that the children will continue to strive for improvement, enhance their physical fitness, and nurture their moral character.

4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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