恭賀可譽一羣「納西娃娃」發揮團結精神 勇奪小學高年級組中國舞甲級獎殊榮Congratulations to Ho Yu’s “Naxi Dolls” demonstrated unity and won the prestigious Grade A Award in the Primary School Senior Division of Chinese Dance

恭賀可譽一羣「納西娃娃」發揮團結精神 勇奪小學高年級組中國舞甲級獎殊榮Congratulations to Ho Yu’s “Naxi Dolls” demonstrated unity and won the prestigious Grade A Award in the Primary School Senior Division of Chinese Dance





During the 60th Schools Dance Festival Competition, the Na Xi dancers showcased their exquisite dance techniques and coordinated performances. Every movement was filled with strength and elegance. Their dance scenes flowed smoothly and vividly, conveying the unique cultural characteristics and emotions of the Na Xi ethnic group through delicate movements and expressions.

The Na Xi people are one of the ethnic minorities in China, with their own distinct language, beliefs, and traditional culture. Through their dance, the Na Xi dancers showcased this unique cultural style, allowing the audience to experience the rich and colorful ethnic charm of the Na Xi people.

At the same time, their performance also highlighted the spirit of unity in diversity within the Chinese nation, which is reflected in the mutual respect, inclusiveness, and cooperation among different ethnic groups. The Na Xi dancers’ dance demonstrated the beauty of multiculturalism and conveyed a message of harmonious coexistence to the audience. Receiving the Grade A award in the elementary school senior division of Chinese dance is a recognition of the Na Xi dancers’ hard work and talent. Such an achievement not only inspires them but also motivates other students to strive for excellence. We look forward to seeing the Na Xi dancers continue to showcase their talents and passion on future stages, making further contributions to Chinese dance art.

4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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