喜訊:可譽連續五屆榮獲「樂繫校園獎勵計劃」大獎 Congratulations to Ho Yu for winning the “Hi-Five Student Engagement Award Scheme” for five consecutive years.

喜訊:可譽連續五屆榮獲「樂繫校園獎勵計劃」大獎 Congratulations to Ho Yu for winning the “Hi-Five Student Engagement Award Scheme” for five consecutive years.








Ho Yu has been a firm believer in the importance of education and nurturing students, which has been recognized and affirmed through the consecutive five years of winning the ” Hi-Five Student Engagement Award Scheme “.

Since the establishment of the ” Hi-Five Student Engagement Award Scheme “, Ho Yu  has been committed to creating a connected campus atmosphere and valuing the holistic development of students. This program aims to recognize and honor schools that have made outstanding contributions in promoting campus connectivity.

In the first edition of the “Action Award,” Ho Yu received the award for its proactive efforts and initiatives in promoting campus connectivity. This demonstrates that we not only value connectivity in theory but also take practical actions to foster it.

The second edition’s “Innovation Award” acknowledges Ho Yu’s innovative thinking and approaches in fostering connectivity. Through innovative methods, we have successfully established an environment that facilitates connections among students.

The third edition’s “Connectivity Special Award” recognizes Ho Yu’s special contributions in the field of campus connectivity. This could be due to the school’s unique methods or achievements in promoting connections among students, parents, and teachers.

The fourth edition’s “Optimization Award” acknowledges Ho Yu’s continuous efforts to optimize campus connectivity. This signifies that we have not only achieved initial success in establishing connections but also continually improve and enhance them.

The most recent edition’s “Interpersonal Connectivity Award” recognizes Ho Yu’s special achievements in promoting interpersonal connections and building trust among students. This further emphasizes the school’s efforts and accomplishments in establishing positive and harmonious relationships among students.

Looking ahead, Ho Yu will continue its efforts to deepen campus connectivity and cultivate trust and compassion among students by strengthening the core value of “benevolence.” We believe that such a connected campus atmosphere will provide students with a supportive and inclusive learning environment and foster their holistic development and sense of responsibility towards the community.

4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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