親平氣和 親子工作坊 YWCA Jockey Club Calm & Caring Family Project

親平氣和 親子工作坊 YWCA Jockey Club Calm & Caring Family Project

28/10 親平氣和第一節活動 溝通的重要 The importance of communication

下次活動將會更精彩 The next event will be even better!

11/11 親平氣和第二節活動:親子溝通技巧 The technique of communciation

看到家長和學生都很投入,相信必定能透過此活動提升親子溝通技巧。Parents and students were very engaged in the program, and I believe that they could improve their communication skills through this program.

18/11 第三節活動: 家長工作坊 The third lesson: Parents Workshop

下一次聚會便是結業禮,希望家長和小朋友都能出席活動。The next gathering will be the closing ceremony and we hope that both parents and children can attend the event.

25/11 親平氣和結畢活動 The graduation of YWCA Jockey Club Calm & Caring Family Project


After four days of activities, we believe that the relationship between parents and their children will be improved.We hope that these methods can be used in daily life, so that we can listen to each other, put our hearts in the same place as ourselves, express ourselves with kindness, and respond with courtesy.

4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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