愛校園 盡己責 班際整潔比賽 Love the campus, fulfill your responsibilities The inter-class tidiness competition

愛校園 盡己責 班際整潔比賽 Love the campus, fulfill your responsibilities The inter-class tidiness competition

初小組 (小一至小三)Junior Group (P.1-P.3)
冠軍 ChampionP1D、P3B
亞軍 1st runner-upP2B
季軍 2nd runner-upP1A、P2A
高小組 (小四至小六) Senior Group (P.4-P.6)
冠軍 ChampionP5A
亞軍 1st runner-upP5D
季軍 2nd runner-upP6D
4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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