小一級入學申請手續 Application For P1 Admission

小一級入學申請手續 Application For P1 Admission

2023年9月25日至29日紙本: 家長將填妥的小一入學申請表直接交回申請自行分配學位的官立或資助小學
2023年9月21日至29日 晚上11時59分電子平台: 透過「小一入學電子平台」遞交申請
學校: 學校公佈「自行分配學位」的取錄名單。
2023年11月20日 早上10時起電子平台: 家長可透過「小一入學電子平台」查閱結果。
紙本: 未獲「自行分配學位」的申請人家長前往統一派位中心為子女辦理選擇學校手續,以便統一派位。
2024年1月22日至1月28日 晚上11時59分電子平台: 透過「小一入學電子平台」為子女辦理選擇學校手續。
2024年6月5日至6日郵遞/短訊: 教育局以郵遞/短訊方式通合家長統一派位結果。
2024年6月5日早上10時起電子平台: 家長可透過「小一入學電子平台」查閱結果。
4.遞交小一申請表的時間(紙本):上午9:00至中午12:00 或 下午1:00至4:00。
E.簽證身份書F.入境許可證G.簽證身份/ 陳述書H.單程通行證

– 已填妥的小一入學申請表;

– 回郵信封(貼上$2.2郵票)兩個,上面需填寫學生姓名及地址;

– 家長/監護人的身份證、護照或其他身份證明文件及影印本;

– 如家長/監護人委託他人將填妥的申請表交回,則來人須出 示家長/監護人身份證明文件的影印本;

– 申請人的香港出生證明書及其影印本(若出生證明書最後一欄顯示兒童的香港特別行政區永久性居民身份是「未確定」的,則家長/監護人必須出示該申請人的有效旅行證件或在港居留許可證的正本及影印本);

– 若申請人並無香港出生證明書,家長/監護人須出示該申請人的外地出生證明書及獲在本港居留的身份證明文件的正本及影印本;

– 如申報兄/姊在該小學就讀,家長/監護人須出示有關證件(如申請人兄/姊的出生證明書及兄/姊的學生手冊等)的正本及其影印本;

– 如申報父/母或兄/姊為該小學的畢業生關係,家長/監護人須出示有關證件(如申請人兄/姊的出生證明書,及申請人兄/姊或家長的畢業證書等)的正本及影印本;

– 如申報與學校有相同的宗教信仰,家長/監護人須出示有關證件(如申請人的領洗紙、皈依證等)的正本及影印本;

– 如申報與學校有相同社團關係,家長/監護人須出示有關的會員證明文件正本及影印本;及

– 所申報的居住地址證明文件(如已蓋釐印租約、差餉單、公屋租咭、水/電/煤氣/住宅電話收費單等)的正本及影印。該文件上的姓名須與家長/監護人的姓名相同。在有需要時,教育局會要求家長/監護人出示其他相關文件以資證明。


Information on Primary 1 Admission
1/9/2023-29/9/2023Collection of Application Form (via kindergarten, kindergarten-cum-child care centre, Public enquiry service centre of District Offices, School Places allocation section/Regional education Offices of EDB)
Submission of Application Form (Our School Registration No: 522074)
25/9/2023-29/9/2023In-person: Parents to submit the form to our school direct
At 11:50p.m. from 21/9/2023 to 29/9/2023Online submission: Complete and upload materials to the POA e-Platform
Release of discretion places admission results
20/11/2023The school releases the discretion places admission results.  
At 10a.m. on 20/11/2023Check the discretion places admission results from the POA e-Platform
22/11/2023-23/11/2023Registration with our school for successful applicants
24/11/2023Registration with our school for successful wait-lists
Participation in Central Allocation Stage for unsuccessful candidates when parents will make choices of schools
27/1/2024-28/1/2024In-person: Participation in Central Allocation Stage for unsuccessful candidates when parents will make choices of schools at Education Services Centre.
At 11:59p.m. from 22/1/2024 to 28/2/2024Online submission: Complete and upload the choices of schools to the POA e-Platform
Release of central allocation results
5/6/2024-6/6/2024Via mail and sms  
At 10a.m. on 5/6/2024Via the POA e-Platform
11/6/2024-13/6/2024Registration for central allocation places
Information on P1 Application for September 2023
1.Complete the Application Form
2.Put on the application form our school registration no # 522074 at the appropriate space
3.Submission of Application Form on time.
4.Service hours for submission(In person): 9:00am – 12:00noon or 1:00pm – 4:00pm
5.Places for submission: Ho Yu College and Primary School (Primary Office)
Entry Requirements:
1.Applicants must be local children born on or before 31 December 2017
2.If the applicant is not a holder of HK birth certificate, valid proof of identity is required; for example:
A.HK Identity CardB.PassportC.Re-entry PermitD.Certificate of Identity
E.Document of IdentityF.Entry permitG.Declaration of Identity for Visa PurposeH.One Way Chinese Exit Permit
3.PARENTS SHOULD BRING :  – Completed Primary 1 Application Form;
– Two stamped ($2.2@), self-addressed envelopes with name of student;
– Parent’s / Guardian’s HK I.D. card, passport or other proofs of identity and a photocopy;
– If parent / guardian authorizes another party to submit the completed application form, the authorized person should produce the photocopy of the guardian’s /parent’s proof of Identity;
– Applicant’s Hong Kong Birth Certificate and a photocopy. (If the last column of the birth certificate shows that the child’s HKSAR permanent residence status is “not confirmed”, parent / guardian should produce the original and a photocopy of the applicant’s valid travel document or the resident permit.)
– If the applicant is non-holder of Hong Kong birth certificate, the parent / guardian should produce the original and a photocopy of the applicant’s overseas birth certificate and proof of HKSAR residence;
– If it is stated in the application that the applicant’s sibling(s) is/are student(s) of this school, the parent / guardian should produce the original and a photocopy of the relevant documents (such as the applicant’s sibling(s)’s birth certificate and student handbook, etc.) ;
– If it is stated that the parent(s) / sibling(s) is/are graduate(s) of this School, the parent(s)/ guardian(s) must produce the original and photocopy of relevant documents (e.g. sibling(s)’s/ parent(s)’s birth certificate and graduation certificate).
– If it is stated that the parent(s) is of the same religion as that of this School, the parent/guardian must produce the original and photocopy of the relevant document (e.g. certificate of conversion).
– If it is stated that the student has the same affiliation as that of this School, the parent/ guardian should produce the original and photocopy of the proof of membership; and
– The original and a photocopy of the documentary proof of residential address should be produced. (e.g. tenancy agreement with stamp duty, rates bill, public housing tenancy card, utility bills – water / electricity / gas / residential telephone etc.). The documentary proof should bear the name of the parent / guardian. Parent / guardian may be requested by the Education Bureau to produce other relevant documents for verification as and when required.

Release of Admission List : 20 Nov 2023 (Mon)
The list will be posted outside the Primary School general office and applicants will be notified by post (telephone enquiries will not be entertained.)

Application for discretionary places is limited to one government or aided primary school. If parents apply to more than one government or aided primary school at the same time, their child’s application for discretion places will be rendered void.

4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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