生物科技教育Biotech Education

生物科技教育Biotech Education


The Sik Sik Yuen Biotechnology Mobile Laboratory has collaborated in developing the school-based Biotech Education with Ho Yu science teachers since 2009. This Biotech Day Program is offered to all students from Primary Three to Six, focuses on the two major areas of biotechnology, DNA and Genetics (from “Paper and Candy DNA Models” to “bacterial DNA extraction”), and Microbiology Exploration (from “Where are the Germs?” to “Glohands”).

在可譽推行科學教育 Promotion of Science Education at Ho Yu


In addition to the school-based Biotech Education, we have collaborated with Ho Yu in developing and delivering the “Science@Lunch” and “Science@Home” programs to Ho Yu students and their parents.



The “Science@Lunch” program includes short lectures, discussions, and hands-on experiments. Students are excited and thrilled by the comprehensive lecture contents and the practical lab work.



The “Science@Home” Competition is offered to for primary students and their parents every summer to explore the fun of science at home since 2009. The topics are related to daily lives, for example, “Lemon Power”, “Phantom Speedboat” and “Melting Ice Cubes”.

4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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