嗇色園生物科技流動實驗室計劃十五周年暨可譽遷校二十周年紀慶 The 15th Anniversary of the Sik Sik Yuen Biotech MobileLab Program and the 20th Anniversary of the Through-Train Education at Ho Yu

嗇色園生物科技流動實驗室計劃十五周年暨可譽遷校二十周年紀慶 The 15th Anniversary of the Sik Sik Yuen Biotech MobileLab Program and the 20th Anniversary of the Through-Train Education at Ho Yu



其次,可譽搬遷到現今校址已第二十年,貫徹「一條龍」的教育理念,為學生打造優良及具質素的學習環境、教學方法等。 是次校慶的主題為「創新教學迎未來」,特意邀請了中文大學學習科學與科技中心總監莊紹勇教授作為主禮嘉賓,並與嗇色園主席馬澤華先生MH,CStJ、嗇色園副主席兼教育委員會主席陳燦輝先生等,一同為可譽「沉浸式創新教學系統暨元宇宙校園啟動禮」開幕。

This year has been particularly special for Ho Yu.

Firstly, the Sik Sik Yuen Biotech MobileLab Program has been running for fifteen years. Many students have had the opportunity to learn fascinating biological knowledge in the laboratory, opening the door to scientific exploration.

Secondly, it marks the 20th year since Ho Yu moved to its current campus. Upholding the concept of “Through-Train Education”, the school has created a conducive learning environment and implemented high-quality teaching methods. The theme of this year’s anniversary celebration is “Innovative Teaching for the Future.” Prof. JONG Siu-yung, Morris from The Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies (CLST) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong was invited as the guest of honor. He joined Mr. Ma Chak-wa, Stephen, MH, CStJ, the Chairman of Sik Sik Yuen, and Mr. CHAN CHANT FAI, the Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Education Committee, in the grand opening ceremony of Ho Yu’s “Immersive Innovative Teaching System and Metaverse Campus.”

This year’s milestones highlight Ho Yu’s commitment to providing innovative education and preparing students for the future.

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