P6D 陶如意參加了「香港賽馬會社區資助計劃:美荷樓香港精神學習計劃」之「2023-2024『兩代情』徵文比賽」,在超過12,000作品數量中,脫穎而出,獲得優異獎,殊堪嘉許。
P6D To Yu Yi participated in the “Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Mei Ho House Hong Kong Spirit Learning Project,” specifically the “2023-2024 ‘Affection Across Generation’ Essay Competition.” Among over 12,000 submissions, Yu Yi stood out and received an Merit Award, which is truly commendable.
Congratulations to Yu Yi on the award! This is a recognition and achievement on the path of learning and growth. Keep it up!