24-25守護深海安全為上的Ho Yu Steam Week Protecting Deep Sea Security: Ho Yu Steam Week

可譽在12月舉行了一年一度的Steam Week,本年度以「海洋」為主題,讓孩子們透過參與不同的活動,從科學、工程、科技等各方面,加深對環境的認識,並喚起守護深海安全的意識。

我們希望Steam Week期間所播出的每一顆科學小種子,都能讓孩子掌握其中,並可親手植根於泥土中,萌芽成長,為可譽所建立的一條龍STEAM學習歷程,提供充足養分,開花結果。

In December, Ho Yu held its annual Steam Week, themed “Oceans” this year. Through various activities, children deepened their understanding of science, engineering, technology, and environmental awareness, while also raising consciousness about protecting deep-sea safety.

We hope that every little scientific seed planted during Steam Week will take root in the children’s minds and can be nurtured in the soil, allowing them to grow and flourish. This will provide ample nourishment for the comprehensive STEAM learning journey established by Ho Yu, leading to fruitful outcomes.

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4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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