「自律‧守法‧仁愛」精神 由小一級小童軍宣誓禮展開序幕 “The spirit of ‘Self-discipline, Law-abidingness, and Benevolence’ was inaugurated with the Grasshopper Scouts’ oath-taking ceremony for the Primary 1




Ho Yu proudly represents the 16th Scout Group of Lantau Island District, New Territories Region encompassing Grasshopper Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Scouts, creating a comprehensive scouting program.

We firmly believe that through consistent experiences in uniformed groups, starting from the ‘Do a good turn every day.’ philosophy advocated by Grasshopper Scouts, and progressing to Cub Scout and Scout activities, children can be orderly nurtured into self-disciplined, law-abidingness citizens who promote the spirit of benevolence—loving God, loving others, and loving our country.

Children, after your oath-taking ceremony, you have become true Scout. ‘Once a Scout, always a Scout.’ We hope you will uphold the Scout spirit, cherish yourselves, and serve your country.”

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4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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