可譽運動小健兒於大嶼山區小學校際田徑比賽中碩果纍纍 無比毅力燃亮豐盛的人生成長路 The young athletes from Ho Yu achieved remarkable success at the Lantau Island District Primary School Inter-school Athletics Competition. Their incredible perseverance has illuminated a rich path of personal growth.


  1. 女子丙組團體第二名
  2. 女子丙組4 x 100米接力第一名
  3. 男子丙組團體第二名
  4. 男子丙組100米第二名
  5. 男子丙組4 x 100米接力第二名
  6. 男子乙組跳遠第四名
  7. 女子乙組擲壘球第二名
  8. 男子乙組擲壘球第二名
  9. 女子乙組擲壘球第三名
  10. 男子甲組400米第三名
  11. 女子甲組跳高第三名
  12. 女子特別組100米第一名
  13. 女子特別組推鉛球第一名


On 31st October, students from our school represented us in the 2024-2025 Lantau Island District Primary School Inter-school Athletics Competition. Throughout the various events, the children persevered and overcame numerous challenges, demonstrating true sportsmanship regardless of the outcomes. Ultimately, our school achieved remarkable results in this competition, as follows:

  1. Second place in Girls’ Group C Team
  2. First place in Girls’ Group C 4 x 100m Relay
  3. Second place in Boys’ Group C Team
  4. Second place in Boys’ Group C 100m
  5. Second place in Boys’ Group C 4 x 100m Relay
  6. Fourth place in Boys’ Group B Long Jump
  7. Second place in Girls’ Group B Shot Put
  8. Second place in Boys’ Group B Shot Put
  9. Third place in Girls’ Group B Shot Put
  10. Third place in Boys’ Group A 400m
  11. Third place in Girls’ Group A High Jump
  12. First place in Girls’ Special Group 100m
  13. First place in Girls’ Special Group Shot Put

Congratulations to the award-winning students listed above! We are proud of your fighting spirit. May the fire of your determination continue to shine brightly, enriching your journey of growth.

4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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