可譽師生上下齊惜福 守護地球資源成己責 培養減「費」美德見成果 獲頒「惜福學校 – 積極參與獎」殊榮Ho Yu teachers and students work together to cherish resources and take responsibility for protecting the Earth’s resources, cultivating the virtue of reducing waste and seeing results. We have been awarded the “Food For Good @Campus – Active Participation Award.”

可譽師生上下齊惜福 守護地球資源成己責 培養減「費」美德見成果 獲頒「惜福學校 – 積極參與獎」殊榮Ho Yu teachers and students work together to cherish resources and take responsibility for protecting the Earth’s resources, cultivating the virtue of reducing waste and seeing results. We have been awarded the “Food For Good @Campus – Active Participation Award.”



可譽感謝師生齊心嚮應是次活動,更獲頒「惜福學校 – 積極參與獎」。展望將來,可譽將精益求精,持續優化我們的「惜福學校」。

Ho Yu has participated in the “Food for Good @ Campus” program, aiming to instill in children the importance of valuing food and reducing waste from a young age. The program also teaches children how to properly handle food waste. Through this initiative, children learn to practice a green eating culture, avoid food waste, and reduce the creation of kitchen waste.

The “Food For Good” initiative will support our school in implementing the program by providing small electric composters, food waste bins, mobile planting boxes, compost mixing bins, organic seeds, and gardening tools for composting and organic planting in the school garden. Additionally, it will assist teachers and students in using the food waste recycling system and mixing compost, while hosting lectures on food and food waste issues. The recycled food waste will be transformed into organic fertilizer, which will be used in the school garden, contributing to the greening of the campus.

Ho Yu thanks the teachers and students for their united response to this event, and we are honored to have received the “Food For Good @Campus- Active Participation Award.” Looking ahead, Ho Yu will strive for excellence and continue to optimize our “Cherish Resources School.”

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