可譽孩子憑着一顆熱愛中華傳統文化之心 在「全港小學旗袍填色比賽」中展光芒 得到 優異獎 及 積極參與學校獎 Ho Yu children, driven by their passion for traditional Chinese culture, shone brightly in the “Hong Kong Primary School Qipao Coloring Competition,” receiving the Excellence Award and the Active Participation School Award.



Ho Yu children participated in the “Hong Kong Primary School Qipao Coloring Competition” organized by the Hong Kong Society For The Promotion Of Chinese Liyi. Throughout the process, the children expressed their love for the motherland and gained a deep understanding of the characteristics of traditional Chinese clothing, resulting in innovative works. Among the 7,200 entries received, the creations of three children were recognized, earning them the Excellence Award and the Active Participation School Award, which is truly inspiring.

Congratulations to the children on their achievements! We hope you continue to build upon the wisdom of those before you, working hard to preserve and promote the traditional culture of our motherland.

得獎名單如下The list of award winners is as follows:

P5B 徐雅婷 Chui Nga Ting

P5B 張天晞 Cheung Tin Hei

P6B 彭韻婷 Peng Wan Ting

4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories.
(852) 2109 1001
(852) 2109 2002
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