在進行試後活動的第一天,可譽及家長教師會很榮幸能成功邀請香港拯溺總會副主席兼主考楊志滔博士 KILS團隊到本校為孩子及家長親身教授手力急救。席間,無論是家長或孩子,都表現主動、積極。楊博士KILS對此表示讚賞。
On the first day of the post-exam activities, Ho Yu and the Parent-Teacher Association were honored successfully invite the team led by Dr. Yeung Che To, Patrick, KILS, the Vice-Chairman and Chief Examiner of the Hong Kong Life Saving Society, to the school to personally teach the children and parents hands-on first aid. Both parents and children were enthusiastic and active during the session, which Dr. Yeung KILS praised.
In addition to hoping that this activity would enrich the first aid knowledge of parents and children for unexpected needs, Ho Yu and the Parent-Teacher Association also wanted to convey the message of “valuing life” and cultivate the spirit of “rescuing the endangered”, so that both parents and children could benefit greatly.