為慶祝嗇色園生物科技流動實驗室計劃十五周年暨可譽遷校二十周年,本校舉行了校慶徵文 及 親子漫畫創作比賽校慶徵文比賽 ,以讓孩子展現對可譽的情懷,培養對學校的歸屬感。
To celebrate the ’15th Anniversary of the Sik Sik Yuen Biotech MobileLab Program and the 20th Anniversary of the Through-Train Education at Ho Yu’, Ho Yu held the ‘Love in Ho Yu’ Writing & Parent-Child Comic Creation Competition so as to showcase their affection and foster a sense of belonging towards the school.
獲獎名單如下:The winners list are as follows.
「可譽情」親子漫畫創作比賽‘Love in Ho Yu’ Parent-Child Comic Creation Copmetition

「可譽情」徵文比賽‘Love in Ho Yu’ Writing Competition
高小中文組 P.4-6 Chinese:
冠軍 Champion | P6C | 吳婧兒 NG SCARLETT CHING YEE |
亞軍 1st Runner Up | P5E | 俞梓軒 YU TSZ HIN JASON |
季軍 2nd Runner Up | P5E | 吳映儀 NG YING YEE ASHLEY |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | P4D | 顏思同 NGAN SZE TONG JOSEPH |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | P5D | 陶如意 TO YU YI |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | P5D | 周思彤 ZHOU SITONG |
高小英文組 P.4-6 English:
冠軍 Champion | P4A | MITTAL ADVIKA |
亞軍 1st Runner Up | P5C | 葉以樂 IP YEE LOK |
季軍 2nd Runner Up | P5B | LEMES FONTINELI SOFIA |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | P5A | HERNANDEZ LAURA VITO |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | P5C | 蔡靖瑶 CHOI CHING YIU |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit | P5E | 梁芊悅 LEUNG CHIN YUET |
頒獎典禮於6月28日(星期五)假本校舉行,將有專人通知領獎詳情。 The awards ceremony will be held at our school on Friday, June 28th. Details regarding the award presentation will be provided to the recipients.