今天是「Pi Day」,可譽籃球場變身成為大黑板,讓孩子在午息時透過一系列與圓形有關的學習小遊戲,以「做中學」方式親身體驗「Pi」的奇妙。
是日,可譽電視台HYP-CHANNEL同步推出由數學科誠意製作的「Happy Pi Day」節目,更有神祕嘉賓參與其中。快來觀看欣賞吧!
兩者強勢出場,相得益彰,為可譽的「Pi Day」更添色彩。
Today is “Pi Day,” and the Ho Yu Basketball Court has transformed into a giant blackboard, allowing children to experience the wonders of “Pi” through a series of learning games related to circles during their lunch break. The goal is to learn through hands-on activities.
On this day, HYP-CHANNEL, the Ho Yu Campus TV, will simultaneously release a program called “Happy Pi Day,” produced by the Mathematics Department. Come and watch and enjoy!
The two events will complement each other, aiming to add more color to Ho Yu’s “Pi Day.”