1. 培養聆聽、說話、朗讀等語言能力,以及自學能力。
2. 增進與本科有關的語言知識,以及對中國文化的認識。
3. 提高對本科的學習興趣,培養良好的學習態度和習慣。
- 裝備語言能力——鼓勵學生參加公開比賽,如朗誦、「KOL」、講故事等,增強說話信心,提升表達力。
- 以多聽多說原則,創設語境——進行多元學習,如攤位遊戲、元宵猜燈謎等跨科節慶活動,提升聽說能力,並加深對中國文化的了解,增強國民身份認同。
Development Goals

- To cultivate students’ language skills in listening, speaking, reading aloud, plus self-learning ability.
- To enhance students’ knowledge of Putonghua as well as their understanding of the Chinese culture.
- To arouse students’ interest in learning and cultivate proper learning attitudes and habits.
Learning Activities
- Equipping students with language skills – encourage students to participate in public competitions, such as speech festivals, “KOL”, storytelling, etc. with a view to boosting their confidence and presentation skills.
- Enriching our language environment with the principle of listen more and speak more – through co-curricular activities such as game booths and lantern riddle games, students enhance their listening and speaking skills while deepening their understanding of the Chinese culture to consolidate their national identity.