
- 引起學生對學習數學的興趣和信心。
- 誘導學生理解及掌握數學的基本概念及計算技巧。
- 培養學生的「數字感」和「空間感」;欣賞數和圖形的規律及結構。
- 發展學生的思維、傳意、解難及創造能力。
- 培養學生的共通能力和正面的價值觀和積極的態度,以加強終身學習的能力。


運用資訊科技教學進行互動學習 —— 學生透過網上學習平台,以增加課堂互動性及提供即時回饋,以提升學生的學習興趣,營造愉快的學習環境。




嘉許計劃 —— 可譽市場、數學銀行


- To arouse students’ interest and confidence in learning mathematics;
- To induce students to understand and master the basic concepts and calculation skills of mathematics;
- To cultivate students’ sense of number and space; and appreciate the patterns and structures of numbers and figures;
- To develop students’ thinking, communication, problem solving skills and creativity; and
- To cultivate students’ generic skills, positive values and attitudes for life-long learning.
Subject activities
STEM Activities
Math-oriented STEM activities are organized for P1 to P6 students to facilitate their application of knowledge and skills in cross key learning areas. Meanwhile, STEM activities gear students up for the changes and challenges brought by rapid economic, technological and scientific development.

Reading activities
Publish the Maths Express and launch the Maths Forum as well as an extra-curricular reading scheme specially designed for Maths. Students will gain knowledge and raise interest in Maths through reading.

Interactive learning with information technology: Enhanced lesson interaction and instant feedback via online learning platforms to raise students’ interest and create a pleasant learning environment.

Maths Activities
Students go outside their classrooms and get their hands dirty in various co-curricular activities to learn Maths in everyday life with boosted interest.

Maths Competitions
We arrange for and encourage our students to actively participate in both intra-school and inter-school maths competitions.

Maths Room
Many types of board games are available in the Maths Room for students to learn through play, and moreover, enhance their logical thinking and spatial concept.

Award schemes – Ho Yu Market, Maths Bank
Combining the elements of wealth management and commendation, students will be given “Ho Yu Dollars” based on their performance. Students can choose their favorite gifts in Ho Yu Market, or earn interest by making deposits in the Maths Bank. Students are taught to develop saving habit or make donations through the school to cultivate the spirit of “more blessed to give than to receive”.

Learning Resources
Modern Primary Mathematics Student’s Web: https://www.mers.hk/login/gateway/pmath_st.php
Primary Mathematics GeoGebra: https://www.geogebra.org.hk/materials/ks1